major Coffee Hubs
The world map of coffee is dotted with tales of adventure, intrigue, and passion. When the Dutch introduced coffee to Java in Indonesia, they did more than plant a crop. They planted an identity, one that would define the region's ecology, economy, and global repute. But Indonesia is just one thread in this global tapestry. Think of Brazil, today's coffee giant, a legacy of its Portuguese colonizers who recognized the potential of its sprawling landscapes. Or Yemen, where the port city of Mocha, synonymous with a certain coffee type, was once the epicentre of the coffee trade, linking the East and West. And then there's the romanticized tale of Baba Budan, an Indian pilgrim who, legend has it, smuggled seven coffee seeds from Mecca, laying the foundation for India's coffee plantations. These tales are not just of plantations and produce but of geopolitical maneuverings, cultural exchanges, and often serendipitous events.
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